
Long and healthy hair clove recipe

Long and Healthy Hair Clove Recipe

🔴 Long and Healthy Hair Clove Recipe ✨ 😍

The benefits of clove oil for hair are many, especially as it is one of the most oils that treat damaged hair, nourish and help lengthen it; to contain cloves many vitamins and minerals, learn about the benefits of clove oil for hair and clove recipes to reach healthy hair.

🔷 Recipe for clove oil with olive oil 🫒

◼ First – Ingredients

  • 🔸 4 tablespoons of clove oil.
  • 🔸 4 spoons of olive oil.

◼ II. Method of preparation

  1. Put the ingredients in a glass bowl and mix well.
  2. Then heat the oils, and leave them a little after heating.
  3. Oil your scalp with a plastic bag for two hours.
  4. Then wash your hair thoroughly with the right shampoo.
  5. Repeat twice a week; you will notice an improvement in the health of your hair.

🔵 Benefits of clove oil for hair:

  • Carnations are used to smooth and strengthen hair.
  • It nourishes the hair and restores its radiance and shine.
  • It gives the hair follicles a sharp force that contributes to preventing its loss.
  • Gets rid of dandruff and prevents its accumulation in the scalp.
  • Cloves prevent baldness if a quantity of it is placed on the scalp and massaged well; in order to promote its growth, whether it is applied directly on the hair or on the front of the hair.
  • Stimulates hair cells to grow and secrete color, in addition to the fact that its use ground gives you a strong color when added to the dye mixture.

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